Saturday, March 1, 2008


I had every intention of nesting today . . . mixing it up with a little bit of craft, a little bit of reading, a little bit of gardening . . . and it would be perfect, as it was in the 60s today! But God had other things in mind for me, starting with an Old English Sheepdog (who shall remain nameless) who discovered a giant mud puddle at the base of the rain spout (I didn't even know there was a giant hole there!). After two days of rain, this puddle was a little boy magnet. I had let him out this morning to play. In my playbook this should consist of (1) running back and forth at the fence with his neighbor friend, Miller the mutt, (2) chewing sticks, (3) lots of sniffing, (4) running in circles with a soccer ball in his mouth, and/or (5) ripping the monkey grass out (which because it grows like crazy, it's rather nice he keeps it in check).

After an hour I popped my head out to see what he was up to and he ran up to me with a muddy smile ALL OVER his face and all four legs covered in mud up to his knees. The little guy has never been a digger so it took me quite by surprise. He seemed rather pleased with himself and I couldn't help but laugh, but it turned my morning into complete chaos AND a change of clothes. Then Harleigh and I had to make a trip to the mall to buy her jeans. It tests my patience, and the pounding music in most of the stores is enough to make me want to slap someone, but she did find a pair . . . at $79!!!!!. We got them; she has a hard time finding just the right pair, so when we find something perfect I buy them. She does wear nothing but jeans, and with a school uniform, it's not like I'm buying a ton of other clothes. Besides, it's worth it to not have to go to another mall.

I spent the afternoon cleaning house (with windows thrown open) and Harleigh had a bunch of friends over to enjoy the warm outdoors. Boys throwing footballs, Gideon (I forgave him, so now I can call him by name again) happy to have a yard full of kids paying attention to him, girls laughing and taking pictures of everyone being goofy. God had other plans for me, and I think the day worked out just fine. I made this little vignette of a wire nest, two eggs and a white feather in one of my orchid pots. There, I did do some nesting today.

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