Monday, August 10, 2009

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

As I am sure is the case with most cyclists, when Mongo discusses my mileage with non-cyclists, they are both amazed and a little leery by what I tell them. To someone who only rides around the neighborhood or park, forty, sixty, or a hundred miles seems like an impossibility...But as we all know, these numbers come and go as our skill and fitness levels improve over time.

I say all of this because when I rolled into my driveway at the end of my forty mile, "Stop F***ing Around And Get Your S**t Together" ride yesterday, and scrolled through the various readouts on my Vic 20, analog, friction-powered, computer, I noticed that my perpetual odometer read exactly 10,000 miles.

In the last nineteen months, Mongo has pedaled the width of the United States more than three times...That's pretty cool.

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