Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Final Fest '09: The Over Doping

As you all know by now, Mongo is an admitted doper. I take no pride or satisfaction in that fact, but it allows me to comment from a place of some knowledge. Let it be known that no prescription drug pollutes my body. Everything Mongo consumes comes from Mother Earth...or my neighborhood Chevron.

The final 23/2300 Hammerfest ended with a mild thud. The huge turnout I expected never materialized and only about thirteen people showed up. Unfortunately for Mongo, those that did show were all the fast guys. I've been riding well lately so normally this wouldn't have been a problem. But...I over-caffeinated myself massively before the ride, and as a result, my HR was consistently 10-15 BPM higher than it should have been throughout the ride. It wasn't good!

That being said, I have benefited immensely riding with guys much better than myself. I know what it takes to achieve on a high level...Whether or not I choose, or am able, to raise my game, I get a great deal of enjoyment out of the process.

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