Tuesday, November 2, 2010

College Football Writer Breaks Own Record, Writes 184th Anti-BCS Story of Season

(from MZone wire reports)  -- Cort Dunhill, the nationally syndicated college football beat writer and contributing editor of ThatSiteYouReadAllTheTime.com, broke the record he set just last year when he wrote his 184th column on the same subject this season: yet another rant bashing the BCS.

Most observers thought the 183 anti-BCS record Cort establish last year would hold up longer than a single season.  But Cort never strayed this fall, basically churning out the same diatribe over and over and over again.

When asked how he was able to keep his job beating a dead horse and simply writing the same thing each time, Cort explained that it wasn’t easy.

“I try to disguise it so it looks like I’m mixing it up.  But it’s really just the same article.  For example, if I write about Boise State, I segue into it being about how the BCS is an unfair system.  If it’s about Oregon’s explosive offense, it ends up being about them running the table and making it to the BCS title game…and how that’s an unfair system.  Even if it’s about some linebacker who plays for Fordham who donates his time to a children’s shelter, I can usually spin that into the travesty of a system that doesn’t allow that underprivileged kid to watch that linebacker in a true playoff,” said Dunhill.  “It really is a gift to be able to do that day after day.”

Dunhill noted that the irony of his one-note writing is that if the BCS was ever replaced he’d have to find a new job as he would no longer have anything to say or write about during the college football season.

When asked if he planned to change it up since he broke the record and it’s only the first week in November, Dunhill shook his head.

“Not a chance.  I’ll keep churning out variations of the same three articles I’ve always written,” promised Dunhill.  “I’ll compare the BCS to some mafia monopoly, pull out the un-American card when necessary and always point out the fact that Division 1-A college football is the only sport that crowns its champion this way – as if the mere fact that it’s different is itself an indictment.”

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