Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sheriff Rede

There's a new sheriff in town -- and his name is George.

If you run a red light or a stop sign in my neighborhood, I'm coming after you. If you look left as you turn right at a corner, I'm going to whack the back of your car as you pass by. Seriously.

I've done this several times over the years -- most recently yesterday. A woman driving eastbound on a residential street near my home cruised through a stop sign just as I was approaching the intersection from the north. I made a quick left, got right up on her bumper and followed her three blocks until she pulled over and rolled down her window. "You ran a stop sign back there," I told her. "Be careful, please!"

Yes, I know this sounds aggressive, maybe even out of character, but it's become a pet peeve. I have little patience with inattentive drivers who put pedestrians, bicyclists and other motorists at risk.

Worst of all is when folks do this in the early morning hours, when I'm running on neighborhood streets. Some people drive as if they are the only ones on the road and looking both ways isn't necessary. Nothing gets their attention more than when they hear or feel a "thwack" on the rear panel of their car. Lori tells me I shouldn't do this, that I'm asking for a confrontation that might not end well for me. She may be right. So far, I haven't had to flash my sheriff's badge.

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