Friday, November 14, 2008

Evenings Lately . . .

. . . have been working on designing four Advent banners for the children at church to create out of felt. So I've been nestled in my chair in the ken, with my trusty colored pencils (neatly tucked into a flocked Kleenex box — with the lid cut off. I blogged about how much I love these boxes, and have made sure to repurpose them around the house to hold things.)

This is the sweet face that watches me work, who patiently waits for me to finish so that we can migrate to the living room where I turn on TV to watch the news, sit down in my big comfy chair with the ottoman pulled up close, so that he can snuggle with his head resting on my thigh, and fall asleep. I rub his head and croon "what a good boy," and the busy, hectic day ends in peace.

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