Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sheepie Day at the Park

Today was Atlanta's Sheepie Day at the Park, and it was held here in our hometown, just a few minutes from our house. Bruce and Lynda, owners of Brodie and Zoe, came from Chattanooga to be a part of this Old English Sheepdog celebration. Brodie is one of Gideon's litter mates, and they've not seen each other since they were babies. So that was a real treat for the two boys to meet up again, a family reunion of sorts! (Here they are, Gideon on the right.)We started the afternoon with a picnic one of the park's pavillions. Here the dogs had to be on leashes. We snatched a group shot, shown here as a whole and in bits and pieces.

We then migrated to the dog park, joined by even more Sheepies, where the "kids" went nuts. Except for Gideon who just sorta stands around, sniffs the occasional butt, and gives us a look like "is it time to go home yet?" He likes the other dogs, especially the littler ones, but has no real interest in rough play. I suppose living in a house with two girls might have made him a little on the effeminate side?!?!?! So after about an hour of begging with no luck "Gideon, come on and play with the other children!," we headed for home where he snuggled up to sleep at Harleigh's feet, twitching with dreams of other Sheepies romping in the cool Autumn sun.

Here is a picture that sums it all up: Gideon walking toward us, the Mama's boy that he is, always just a few feet away from our side, tongue like lunch meat hanging out of his mouth, ready to go home.

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