Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Puppy Love Tag Swap — Tag 1: "Check yes or no"

I have been beside myself with this tag swap that Karla over at Karla's Cottage is doing. The theme is Puppy Love. It has been a blast making the tags. There are set parameters, there is a deadline (and the timeline is manageable), crafting them takes an evening or two at the most, and I have all the supplies on hand; in other words, it's been an easy project to jump right into, and there is nothing daunting about it. I will share my tags as I finish them.

Tag 1: "Check yes or no"

This tag is inspired by the crushes we all had in elementary school. Side one of the tag is covered in a page from a dictionary that has the definition for "puppy love." Over that I put a small picture of a page from a yearbook where I put a heart around one of the little boys (the crushee) something we always did in our own yearbooks.

The card slips into a glassine sleeve, and in the sleeve is a piece of pink notebook paper which has the note which was passed in class. I added a velvet ribbon which holds a pencil for checking the appropriate box.

The back side of the card is a school library check-out card. The hole in the card has a reinforcement around it (it's a bit hidden by the tack I used to hang the tag for picture taking). I added the flowers for embellishment.

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