Sunday, March 22, 2009

George's Pin Pals

This will only make sense if you read the post below...

My team had a lot of fun today at Hollywood Bowl. Nathan wasn't able to join us, but Levi stepped in very capably. We all snacked on mediocre pizza -- the kind where if you turn the slice upside down, none of the toppings fall off -- but made up for it with some Hefeweizen.

We all beat Barack Obama's score -- was it 37 that he bowled in Pennsylvania? -- and everyone got at least one strike, even if it was sometimes on the second ball...

I bowled 301! Now, if you know anything about bowling, a perfect score is 300. So was I one pin better than perfect? No way. That was my two-game score...

Thanks to Casey Parks, photographer extraordinaire, for the group shot.

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