Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Independence Weekend!

Harleigh went to the Duluth fireworks on Saturday night, and then she and I went to a picnic and wonderfully orchestrated fireworks show at a neighbor's house on Sunday night. The fact that they crossed state lines to purchase the pyrotechnics leads me to believe that what they shot off was probably illegal, but I suppose the magic of the lit-up sky while sitting in a lawn chair in the driveway made me quickly forget.

Then this morning was the Dunwoody parade, the largest Independence Day parade in the state of Georgia. I've never been before, which surprises me because 1) I love parades, and 2) Dunwoody is the next town over from Norcross. It was small town at its finest, but on a grand scale. Can't wait to include it on next year's 4th of July agenda!

This darling magazine cover has been hanging in my craft room, in a found frame with an ill-fitting matte. In desperate need of being reframed. I kept the painted wood frame and got rid of the matte, exchanging it for a background of scrapbook paper. The magazine cover is glued onto a piece of poster board and lays on top of the paper. Much much better.

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