Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Delicious Treats for our MZone Readers

Welcome aboard the MZone!
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll direct your attention to the right-hand side of the blog below the Twitter feed and "Share" links, you'll notice that your pilots Andy and Yost have added two "Delicious Buffets" for your reading enjoyment.  These are links to stories on other sites they read and thought you might enjoy; stuff they've stumbled upon; as well as reader submissions.  And while most are college football related, every now and again you you'll discover something random over at the Buffet that they found entertaining, funny or interesting.

We'd also like to take a moment to welcome MZone readers old and new who have rediscovered/discovered the site since it came back online just over two months ago.  We know you have many choices when you procrastinate right in the middle of the work day so thank you for surfing the net with the MZone.  And if you enjoy your time with us, please take a moment to share the link with 8 to 10 of your closest friends via Facebook, email or secret handshake.

Of course if you think this is the ass-worst blog you've ever seen in your life, remember to shut your pie-hole and keep it to yourself.

Now at this time you'll notice that Yost has turned off the no-profanity button which means you're free to browse around the site and search for some funny.  So sit back and enjoy the blog (while pretending like you're working so the pain-in-the-ass in the cubicle next to you doesn't say something to somebody since your TPS report is due tomorrow).

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