Sunday, November 21, 2010

Michigan vs. Wisconsin: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


* Sophomore Denard Robinson set the single season rushing record for a QB. He now has 1,538 yards.

* Robinson is the first QB in NCAA history to rush for 1,500 yards and pass for 2,000 yards in the same season.

* After falling behind 24-0 by halftime, U-M twice cut the deficit to 10 points and was an onside kick recovery away from making Wisco really sweat.

* didn't rain.


* Michigan got shut out in the 1st half

* Michigan's kicking woes continued when they missed a 30 yarder from the center of the field

* A Robinson pass was batted at the line of scrimmage and intercepted by a Wisco lineman that I'm pretty sure hadn't run with a football since pick up games in his back yard when he was about 9.

* How bad is the defense?  Well, this season, the Wolverines have given up 369 points and 4,897 yards, both record setters:  The yards allowed broke the 4,720 mark in 2009 and 347 blasted past the 2008 suckage.  Awesome!

*The Badgers finished the game by calling 28 consecutive running runs.  Twenty-eight straight running plays and we still couldn't stop them.  Twenty-eight plays in which it's a little harder to blame the youth in the secondary for the carnage.


* Wisco coach Brett Bulimia is doing his best to take over the Big 10's Biggest D-Bag coaching award from Danny Hope.  A week after scoring 83 points on IU and claiming he wasn't running it up (because, you know, everybody throws 74 yard TD strikes when you're clinging to a 69-14 lead late in the third), Bret said this after the game yesterday about the Badgers' physical play: "What we do isn't pretty.  A lot of places, there's a certain emphasis on being pretty and being individualized on players."  Gee, who were you talking about, Bret?
    He followed them up when asked about Denard Robinson's record breaking day by saying, "For them, that's great.  We would never recruit to that."  Good point.  I mean who'd want to recruit one of the most electrifying players in the game.

* According to MGoBlog, in the post game news conference, when asked about Michigan's bad tackling, Rich Rod had this to say: "The hard part is, to work on it during the season, how do you do live tackling?" Don't want guys to get hurt - can't afford more injuries. 
   Uh, did the head football coach of the University of Michigan just say he doesn't do and/or doesn't know how to conduct meaningful tackling drills during the season?  Seriously?  Please, please PLEASE somebody tell me this was taken out of context.  My 9th grade freshman coach found a way to do it, I should hope the coach of the team once led by Bo Schembechler can figure out a way from September through November to practice tackling.

Even the lingerie team practices tackling during the season

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