Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Should I get a Dog?

A few things to take into consideration before adopting are: finances, available time, and if you have small children.

1. Dogs can get to be quite expensive. If you are wanting a purebred, they average at the cost of $800.00. Then comes the leashes, food and water bowls, grooming, bedding, treats, food, and the list goes on. And do not forget the damage that your dog will cause and the money it will take to fix whatever they got their teeth on. With my dog, she ruined most of the wood paneling in our laundry room, about 7 or 8 pairs of shoes, and a $50 roll of stamps. haha. So be sure to have all that covered if you want a dog.
2. You need to make sure you have plenty of time to give them attention, exercise, and to train them. More than anything, dogs need lots of your time.

3. If you have small children in your home, a Labrador is not for you. During their puppy faze, they love to bite and rough house. A small good natured dog would be best for small children.

If you are seriously considering buying a dog, make sure you research the breed to know what to expect. Good Luck!

-Katie Whightsel

(Mrs. Cross, the last one about pets being healthy for you was by me too:))

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