Monday, April 25, 2011

Two-Minute Drill

As previously noted below, real life has intruded on blogging of late.  Again, my apologies for falling behind on MZone email.  But, alas, here are a couple quick things I wanted to pass along:

* Even The Dispatch knows penalties against Tosu could be severe  (HT: SiC)

* More Tressel emails re: Tresselgate released.  And guess what: none of them are to his bosses or the compliance department.  (HT: SiC)

MZone reader and high school junior TL has created a new Android app called UM Recruit, which focuses on Michigan Football and Basketball recruiting and it allows users to follow the recruiting trail on their phone

Clock is ticking for Tosu/Tressel in C-bus  

*  Check out longtime MZone reader Thorin's site, MGoVideo.

* Chengelis to current, former Wolverines: Can't we all get along?

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