Thursday, April 7, 2011

Warning Signs!

My siblings, especially Devin, love helping with my homework. These are the signs of it is time for them to not help anymore.

  1. If you are making a dessert, make sure you do the measurements for the ingredients.

  2. If they have a pencil, hide your homework from them.

  3. If they want to draw, get some paper for them or they will draw all over what is in front of them normally your homework or reading assignment.

  4. If they want to read a story, take a break and read the story to them or they will take your homework and rip it.

  5. If they are hungry, get them a snack or they may just take a bite out of your homework.

  6. If they are bored and your schoolwork is sitting out on the table, they may hid it or play with it.

  7. If you think they will always listen, they will not especially if they are having fun.

  8. REMEMBER: They will eat your homework or rip it or destroy it. It does not matter why the reason is.

Younger siblings can be very destructive with your school homework.

-Brianna Siemer

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