Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reason #846 why you shouldn't riot: A flash-bang to the balls

Really, Canada?

Frankly, I expected more from our friendly, Molson-loving neighbors to the north.  But, following the Canucks' 4-0 to the Boston Bruins, fans went on a rampage in downtown Vancouver.

Now, besides it being wrong, illegal, dangerous, yada, yada, yada, you really shouldn't riot because, well, you just might catch a flash-bang to your nutsack.  Like this guy...

Actually, that was the best save made by a Canuck all night. Had that been Luongo, it would have gone right through his legs.

But hey, if you don't get your genitals blasted off by police projectiles, you really want to try to capture the moment of your Canadian white-trashiness with a good picture.

Check out the guy trying to get his girl to take a pic of him in front of the flaming car starting at the :10 second mark in the vid below.  When she gets the shot, she jumps in for a couples photo.  Ah, memories.  Boy, there's one for the wedding video!

And I never knew it, but Canadians sure must hate port-o-pots.

But why on earth would you be on top of one. Like this poor sap...

This last one is horrible as rioters attack a man trying to stop people from looting (3:06 mark)

(HT The Big Lead for last two vids)

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