Sunday, August 10, 2008

Housewarming Gift

I came across this today and forgot that I had put it aside about a month ago when doing some down-n-dirty cleaning here at Chateau Gahan. This is a housewarming gift a friend of mine, Kelly, had given us back in 1999 when we moved into our "home." (And how sweet it was to say that word . . . home.)

Kelly bough the Visitor's Journal (this and other fun journals can be found at this site), and done some fancy work to create a new cover for it. She even photoshopped "Chateau Gahan" onto the gate sign. I've loved having it. My houseguests — whether it be for just dinner or an overnight visit — have enjoyed writing in it and I've loved looking through the entries. Makes me feel like the proprietor of a B&B.

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