Sunday, August 3, 2008

Just one more thing . . .

. . . to keep you up late at night, glassy-eyed, in front of your computer. Harleigh introduced me to, a great free sight on which you can upload photos and then do all kinds of fun things to alter them. It has all the bells and whistles of iPhoto, plus it offers up all these neat tricks, like turning your photo into a pencil sketch or neon sign. You can add a shape or doodle (from a huge menu), text, and all kinds of frames.

Here's a picture I took of a print in my bathroom. I boosted the color a little, added the text and a Polaroid frame.
Here is one of my favorite pictures of little man Gideon. I did something funky with the color, fuzzied it, added a thought bubble and made the corners round.
This picture below has a 1960's effect, like the prints I used to get when I got the film developed from my little point-and-shoot.
What a great way to add variety to the pictures on your blog!

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