Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mystery Solved?

There used to be a TV show called IN SEARCH OF hosted by Leonard Nimoy that attempted to find out the truth behind various unexplained mysteries:  Bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, etc.

If it were still on the air, I think the new intro might look something like this over the past three years...

To be honest, before last weekend, I thought we'd find Bigfoot, UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster before Michigan's defense.

But, at least for one weekend, that mystery may have been solved when U-M's D held Purdue without an offensive touchdown in the Wolverine's 27-16 victory.  Granted, it was Purdue.  But after all the ugliness - especially on the heals of giving up 65 to an Illinois team that just got beaten by Minnesota - it's a start.

Well done, D.

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