Friday, April 8, 2011

Best of Friends

I have found something very rare at this school that I did not know I needed. I have found an honest-to-God best friend. At my old school I had friends, sure. I talked to them -- even though they annoyed me every now and then. But, I was never truly close to them. When I first arrived here, I knew only a few people. I followed those people around like a puppy for the first couple weeks.

Then I met Carly. She called me tall. I called her short. Instant friendship. I eventually met the rest of Carly's friends. The final one I met was Barbara. At first I understood her. She was fun and didn't have a care in the world. I liked her attitude.

After awhile I have to admit I became slightly annoyed. It wasn't until I heard her story that I gained absolute and utmost respect for her. I understood why she is the way she is. We are now absolute best friends. I love having the smallest conversations with her because I feel like her mind is always in the same place as mine.

Whenever something exciting happens, I go and tell her. I can talk to her about boys, family problems, school problems, whatever. Whenever something horrible happens, I swore to myself I will never tell anyone. I go and tell her that, too. I can't understand how people live without a true best friend in their life that is constantly there because now after I know what I have been missing, I won't want to go on without it. Best friends should be a term taken seriously. We are like peas and carrots . :) She is my true bffe!

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