Friday, October 31, 2008

...From The Chippewa On Down

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time".
(Terry Jacks)

Not Wearing That You're Not

Of the many non-negotiables in road cycling, depending on one's level of doucheyness, there is one that even Mongo will sign off on...No baggy/mt. bike shorts when riding a road bike.
Instead of getting into the nuance of the subject, let me just say that it looks ridiculous.
It doesn't matter if you are Ned Overend himself and are kicking my ass up every still look silly.
That being said, Mongo faced off against a feisty opponent yesterday who looked like a serious mt. biker who had borrowed his friend's Trek. Baggy shorts and all, he couldn't believe that I was able to catch him and then pull away.
After my poor showing on Monday, it was good to mix it up again.

Hauntingly MAAAAAAAD!

Have a wonderfully fun Halloween evening. We debated going to a movie or to the high school football game, but decided to just stay at home and give out candy. As much as I love a jack-o-lantern, I'm not a big fan of carving them (figure that one out considering the craft queen I claim to be?!?!?!), so they usually have simple features. This year I gave him creepy eyes and snaggly teeth, using beads.

Warm Fuzzy

Aren't there certain vignettes in your home that make you happy just to look at them? I captured one today in a picture. I've blogged many times about the passion and fortitude that I put into getting myself back on my feet after my divorce and finally buying a home. This vignette is a reminder of that rough journey paying off. The place where we drop off our keys at the end of the day, and pluck them up in the morning. Where my binoculars hang, so that I can grab them on a whim and sit on my patio and watch the birds. The keyholder itself is a picket fence, reminiscent of my backyard. This vignette speaks to me of constancy. And all it is is a few pieces of wood with hooks and a picture above it. And if that's all it takes to make me happy, then I'm in a pretty darn good place.

I'm Off Today and Monday!!!!

Took vacation days today and Monday and am already relaxed and gettin' stuff done! Got up at 4:30 this morning with Harleigh and took her into swim practice. It was really a nice way to start the day. I like the warm, wet air of an indoor pool, along with the clean chlorine smell. Watched the team practice — they swim solid for an hour and a half. What a crazy good way to wake up in the morning, exericse and get energized (for them, not me, mind you). In the one pic, Harleigh is the one with the green goggles around her neck.

We left practice, stopped and got breakfast, then went to school where we sat in the car in the student parking lot, ate and talked to her friends, who were also just arriving. Now I'm home to tackle bills and paperwork (filing is out of control — long overdue to make a dent in that!).

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Burn Down The Mission

”Brown dirt, green grass …a reflection in a puddle
No breeze, portrait sky…an absence of motion
Beauty in the gloom is absorbed through the pores
A crack in the pavement or a hole in the fence"

On A Steel Horse I Ride

Everyone knows that Mongo is an old-timey skater who tends to be stuck in his ways. There is one thing though that I will always embrace and encourage in anyone, young or old...and that's individuality. Whether you're a young punk or an old dude or dudette, if you carve your own path through life with dignity and respect for others, then you're Mongo's kind of person.

Skateboarders, particularly street skaters, are the last of a dying breed. In essence, they are urban and suburban cowboys...riding their steeds wherever the shred takes them. Accountable only to themselves and the occasional lawman, they canvas the landscape searching for the next session.

For the sake of everyone who values true freedom of expression, these artists cannot be fenced in and marginalized. They must be allowed to roam.

Princess Kitty

When my co-worker Courtney asked, pretty please, if I could make a Halloween costume for her niece Bakail, I jumped at the chance. I remember, with such happiness, making Harleigh's costumes when she was little. Bakail wanted to be Princess Kitty. This is not a real cartoon or television character but one that a child comes up with which gives them free reign to bark or meow all the time instead of talking. (I remember as a child mimicking Henrietta Pussycat from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Meow meow, remember meow meow her?)

Bakail's mom was originally going to have her wear last year's princess dress without much fanfare or a nod to the kitty portion of the character, but was told by her sister that that was lame. And that's when I was asked to intervene.

Rather than create a Princess Kitty costume from scratch, I decided to repurpose the princess dress as the base for Princess Kitty. I started by cutting off the scratchy shoulder straps and replacing them with white "fur" that also framed the neckline. I bought the scepter and headband, both already adorned with little crowns (and with purple accents to match the dress). I made kitty ears out of felt and attached them to the headband. Then I used the same "fur" from the top of the dress and made the tail, giving it shape by inserting a coat hanger. (Had to rig a cushion inside the dress so that the hanger would not poke Bakail or prove to be uncomfortable.) I also made a kitty collar with a bell (not seen in these pictures).

Here she is visiting us at the office. She and I had a lovely meow meow conversation and I was showered with lots of sweet thank-yous and even got a bippity boppity boo blessing with her magic wand. I truly had just as much fun crafting the costume as Bakail has had wearing it. (The last picture shows her with funny glasses, not a part of the costume, but, hey, even a princess can have a sense of humor.)


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well...I Suck

The final S.B.A.D.M.V.V.L. Hammerfest of the year started with an All-Star lineup and a great deal of enthusiasm...and it was cold. It ended with a split peleton and some confusion...and it got colder.
Mongo's riding was awful! The big climbs killed me and I was struggling not to get dropped early...and it was cold. I recovered later on, but by that time the group had split and we lost our mojo...and it was really cold.
Unfortunately, Mongo had to miss the post ride Pizzafest because...he(3rd person reference)had a booty call. Luckily, that went better for Mongo...I came second.

A Beach Cottage Giveaway

swing by the Beach Cottage Giveaway

Stop by Sarah's at A Beach Cottage and check out her giveaway. And please don't leave without taking a tour of her blog; it's eye candy photography, a beautiful home, beaucoup thrifting treasures and make-your-head-spin-with-delight thrift makeovers.

Perks of the Office

One of the perks of working in a design firm (aside from the fact that I'm surrounded by creative folks), is that our space is so conducive to working on projects. I have been working diligently as costume-designer and -maker for our church's upcoming drama presentation. Lots of cloaks and tunics, and more than enough Roman soldiers (not an easy costume by any means). But I'll pull it together; I always do. I made a big dent last night using Harleigh's dress form (such a great buy!), but desperately needed a big space to cut fabric, preferably one where I could lay the fabric out flat AND not have to be on my hands and knees. OK, the floor was out; too tough at my age to get up. Unless I planned on cutting fabric and sleeping through the night in the same spot.

So I brought the fabric in and spent my lunch break working in an unused area of the office, and wishing that I had all this natural light and a big table on wheels of my very own. Another reason I'm glad to be working where I work.

A New Ritual

The morning routine at Chateau Gahan has changed quite drastically. Harleigh started swim team two weeks ago, which means that she, Gideon and I rise at 4:30AM four days a week. I pack her lunch and a breakfast, get her out the door by 5AM for practice, feed little man, then let him out and tuck myself back into bed. Harleigh calls me at 5:45 when she gets to the swim venue, then again at 7:45 when she arrives at school (I still like to know that she gets safely to places), so my two hours back in bed don't constitute a good sleep. But any zzzzz's help.

Harleigh has surprised me with her enthusiasm and commitment to swim team. You see, she's a girl who needs her sleep. And so my biggest concern was the early rise. But she's loved swimming so much, that getting up at 4:30 is a minor sacrifice. She goes to bed at night between 9 and 10, and so she's been well-rested (and relishing Saturday morning's sleeping in more than ever).

But the happiest with the new schedule has got to be Gideon. The crisp, cold air has him antsy to be outside, and energetic as all get-out! So when I put him out in the morning, he's quite happy to run in the leaves and lie on the chilly cement patio. The new schedule allows him way more outside time in the morning.

The picture above (please ignore wet nose prints and drool on sliding glass door) shows his stance at around 7AM — sitting on the patio waiting for the dog who lives behind us, Miller, to be let out. I swear, he knows when it's 7:00. He and Miller run back and forth along the fence line. Gideon thinks Miller is the next best thing to sliced bread. When Miller poops, Gideon runs and "assumes the position" as well, even if there's nothing to come out. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Go Ahead...I'll Be Over Here

It looks like El Pistolero has taken a step back, breathed in deeply, and realized that Mellow Johnny is going to sink or swim by himself...and that he better take care of his own business.

Contador has decided to skip his defense of the Giro and concentrate on his preparations for the '09 Tour. It just so happens that MJ will be competing in the Giro for the first time "ever", and it'll be his first major stage race of the year. Armstrong also hasn't committed yet on his intentions on racing in the Tour.

For a man who made his legacy through the TDF not to set his sights specifically on that race may at first seem odd, but I'm sure behind the scenes Bruyneel was working hard to cover his own, and MJ's, ass.

If Armstrong goes to the Giro and sucks, then LBM or AK47 can bail out Astana. The end result being that MJ won't participate in the Tour and Contador has the show all to himself...and hopefully MJ goes away again. But what happens if he kicks ass, or actually wins?

This scenario would be great for cycling, but bad for Astana. The potential soap opera of egos throughout the whole team would probably have self-destructive effects. Mongo can't wait!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Final Countdown

"It's on...Beeches!"

Halloween Decorating

Don't do too terribly much to decorate for Halloween. I added Iris the scarecrow to the mix this year. And gotta have pumpkins and hay bales. The first picture is of a trusty spider web that I've put up every year since Harleigh was little. Look at how the light shines through it and leaves the web's shadow on a cabinet door. The black birds that I picked up at the Dollar Store have alighted on my mantle and keep a look out over the living room. The owl night light is a find from my parents' church Fall Festival, and is at home guarding the fireplace any time of the year.

I see in your future . . .

The day couldn't have been more perfect. Sunny, in the low '70s, a little breeze. The Halloween festivities at our church began with the haunted organ recital inside, something we've never been able to go to 'cause we're always out in the parking lot getting our trunk ready.

Needless to say, this year's (you can see years past in an earlier post) was a huge hit. Some kids were scared, but most were mesmerized. And the adults got a big kick out of it. I'd catch the gaze of a child and then my eyes would follow them. I mouthed lots of "hellos" and "goodbyes." It was a blast. And Harleigh was a perfect gypsy, complete with a coin belt and turban. We're already planning for next year's Trunk or Treat. The Gahan Girls have a reputation to uphold.

BTW, I had a small hand-held fan directly below my chin which made being inside a fish bowl somewhat bearable.

Don't They Have Valtrex In Japan?

If Mongo is going to accept the fact that pro cycling has become a revolving door of cheating and redemption, then I must also offer up a second chance to the once tainted who have served their time.
Riders such as David Millar and Tyler Hamilton have rebounded from scandal and suspension to achieve a measured level of success upon their return. Now it's time to see what happens with Ivan Basso.
Mongo has to admit that Basso was one of his favorite riders. Though he never tested positive for anything, his admission to an involvement with Operation Puerto sealed his fate. There was just no way he wasn't guilty of something. His suspension now over, Basso is back as the GC leader for Team Liquigas.
In his first race back, Basso finished third behind Damiano Cunego and Giovanni Visconti at the Japan Cup.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Throwing Nickels In A Wishing Well...

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Stop...Hammer Time

"Enough of this Sunday stroll....let's hurt a little!"
(Barry "The Cannibal" Muzzin)

Bring out the sweaters!

It's officially Fall here in the South and it feels sooooooo good. Yes, we're already complaining about the cold, but we really do love it. The leaves are falling, pumpkins are out, the smell of bonfires permeates the evening air . . . and we're pulling out our sweaters from summer storage! Got me to thinking about some glass cozies I have in one of my kitchen cupboards.

Every morning when Harleigh and I get up, I go out to the kitchen and bring us each back a big cold glass of water or orange juice. While the cozies help to absorb the sweat from the chilled glass, they also remind me of winter sweaters and feeling cozy. So now I use these for our morning drinks. It's nice to wake up to a chilly house, get the heat cranked, and sip our morning drink from a glass all snuggled in a sweater!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An Award

Kate, over at My Messy Nest, crowned me with a Kreativ Blogger award. Thank you, Kate!

I have to list 6 things I value and 6 things I don't.

What do I value?
(Aside from God, family, friends and my dog, Gideon.)
1. The warmth and safety of my home. MY home.
2. My time alone.
3. Having a job. I complain as much as the next person about long hours, but the bottom line is that in this economy, I am blessed to have a well-paying job.
4. A sense of humor. Something my dad gifted me with. I thank him every day.
5. A love of creating beautiful (at least to me) things, whether it be craft projects, sewn items, home decor or even entertaining.
6. That I don't mind my long commute to and from work. It is my down time. A chance to listen to my favorite morning radio show (The Regular Guys, yes, I admit, The Regular Guys) and to NPR on the ride home. And since I'm a very easy-going driver, despite the congested traffic and aggressive drivers, I can make the ride quite relaxing.

What I don't value or don't like.
1. An overabundance of tears. That I cry about everything. Mostly happy tears. But it makes so many things difficult. I can't enjoy a lot of things because I fall apart. Any tips for how to keep the tears at bay?
2. When I see pet owners who walk their dogs without a poop bag. If you don't pick up your dog's stuff, especially when it's on someone's property, then the homeowner who gets the goods should have every right to walk onto your grass and take a poop. I feel rather strongly about this.
3. Being late. Me or anyone else.
4. Bad customer service. It is rampant these days. And the bottom line is that in most industries I have a ton of choices, so bad customer service will only force me to find a new source, one that treats me with respect.
5. Calling a business and getting the voice-activated menu. I miss the days when you called a company and got a person.
6. Out-of-control children. So many kids today are not raised with discipline, and it has created a generation of brats. I suppose it makes me take notice of the good kids even more than ever, wanting to compliment the parents (except that I'd start crying with emotion).

Hawaii Wedding Slideshow

Slideshow of Renee and Keoni's wedding on Kailua Beach Oahu Hawaii. The couple plans to show the slideshow at their second reception at home on the mainland in November. 
Song: White Sandy Beach of Hawaii
Artist: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Trunk or Treat

Our church has a Halloween tradition called Trunk or Treat, held the Sunday before Halloween. It starts off with an organ concert in our sanctuary, with lots of hauntingly wonderful songs (Monster Mash, the theme from The Ghost and Mr. Chicken — one of my all-time favorite Halloween movies; get past the beginning of the YouTube video where the guy is just testing out the keys — , and Toccata & Fugue in d minor by Bach, stuff like that). Then after the concert, all the kids and parents head to the parking lot where there are games and projects to enjoy.

The part of the festivities that The Gahan Girls live for is the actual Trunk or Treat portion of the afternoon. Congregation volunteers line up their cars into two long rows, trunks facing inward, with a corridor between wide enough for people to walk through. The trunks are all decorated, and costumed kids go from trunk to trunk getting candy. We have one first place every year that we've done it, beginning in 2004 with our talking mirror, 2005 with the Candyland game board, 2006 with the ventriliquist and his dummy, (in 2007 Harleigh was sick so we couldn't do it at the last minute), and then this year's event will be held this coming Sunday. The last picture is a sneak peek at what we'll be doing. I painted the sign, which will be in front of our spooktacular trunk. (I used a plain white sheet of foamcore and stained it with coffee grinds to give it an old look, then used acrylic paint to create the design.) Our "booth" involves a large round glass fishbowl that my head fits inside of. The last little tidbit of preparation involves figuring out how I'm going to breathe. Just a small formality.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

China White 350

“Lucid moments tapping at the window
Sketches of pain standing in the way
Understanding comes slowly for the reluctant hero
Striking a deal that can never be broken”

Kailua Beach Wedding Oahu: Keoni & Renee

A few photos from Renee and Keoni's wedding.
Wedding ceremony: Kailua Beach, Oahu
Officiant: Cynthia Smoot
Hair and make-up: Paul Brown Salon