Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Bond Like No Other

A few weeks ago Harleigh asked if we could do weekly mother/daughter devotionals. When a 16-year-old asks you a question like that, answering with "let me get back to you after I look at my schedule" is not an option. So I got online and started searching for a book to guide us. Found this one, and last night was our first devotional. I read two chapters out loud, as we laid in her bed, both spooning pillows and comfy in our jammies. After each chapter we talked about the topic, pulling in scripture (she more so than I; she's light years ahead of me on Biblical knowledge), and we spent a good deal of time reminiscing and laughing, with me crying a few times (what's new).

We spent about 45 minutes in our devo time, and I can't believe how much we touched on. Everything from her father to what her favorite mother/daughter memory was from her early years (and it was one I don't even remember!?!?!) to what she wants in her future. We touched on me not dating (= no husband for me, no stepfather for her) and how that has affected her. Not all of the conversation was warm fuzzies. Some of it was sad, some contemplative, there were apologies on both ends, and a portion of our gab was raw with honesty.

Our mother/daughter relationship is far from perfect, for the simple reason that neither one of us is perfect. But what our relationship is is open, respectful, and grounded in a love of God. No matter what comes our way cloaked in difficulty, I know that we have a strong foundation and can tackle anything. And the bottom line is that mother/daughter love aside, I really like Harleigh a lot.

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