Thursday, October 9, 2008

Word To Your Mother

Mongo was officially draggin' ass today. An excessive amount of work and riding over the past week and a half are the culprits.

Thanks to some early morning rain, I was sure that there was no riding in store for me today...which was fine...because of the aforementioned ass draggin'. I was thinking maybe a little Home Depot, then some Publix, then some laundry, then a nap. It was going to be great. Then the sun came out...It shouldn't have mattered, but it did.

There's nothing worse than cycling guilt...Okay, maybe it's not as bad as drug/alcohol/where am I?/who are you?/ guilt...but it's pretty close. If it's sunny and nice outside and you have the time, if you're a true cyclist, you're going's an unwritten rule.

So, I ended up doing a fast 30 with the living legend herself...Diane. We put the smackdown on several racers as well as a fixed gear poseur. It was an enjoyable ride.

I really should have taken a nap though!

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