Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't Want To Say Goodbye

The good news — they've extended the life of our dear, old-fashioned televisions (from a February 19 to a June 19 demise). The bad news is that I'm going to miss having my little black-and-white Zenith TV. It gets only three channels, has no remote control, a crooked antennae that is beyond being helped by sculpted tin foil, and it IS the heart of my kitchen and ken. It's kept me company for more years than I can remember. I'm of the generation that grew up with BW TVs in huge consoles; my Zenith brings back fond memories.

My friend Lisa came to visit me recently and her first comment when she came into the house and into the kitchen was "I can't believe you still have that little crappy TV!" But she said it with endearment, because it is such a part of what makes my home feel comfortable, lived-in, and full of sentimentality.

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