Saturday, February 7, 2009


I was tagged by Liz over at Gossamer Wings. Here's what ya do. Go to the folder on your computer where you store your pictures and go to picture number 4, then explain it. Here is my fourth picture: one of Gideon at night camping out in the kitchen. This one reminded me of a post that Gretchen (over at Bird Nest Cottage) just wrote about. She showed a picture of her kitchen at night, when it's all clean and the dishwasher is humming. This picture of my kitchen makes me think of the same thing . . . when the house is quiet and peaceful, everything is picked up, the lights and candles create a warm glow.

The second part of the tag is to list 5 of your addictions. I think I'll list my "good" addictions (or at least the ones that lend themselves to pretty pictures!).

Addiction #1:
Vintage linens. Cheap old pillowcases that due to their old age and wear feel like a super high thread count. Tablecloths and napkins. Doilies. Linen kitchen towels (especially the calendar ones). Hobnail bedspreads. Beach towels. Afghans (ripple and grannie squares ones). I really should learn how to quilt because I think I'd love it.

Basically, this addiction falls into the bigger category of going to thrift stores. I'd do it every day if I could. Harleigh will go with me if she is looking for something specific. I, on the other hand, go "just because." She says the smell of thrift stores gives her a headache after awhile. I say that I wish they'd make a Yankee Candle scent from it.

Addiction #2:
TO DO lists. I write out what I have to do, buy, go to, talk about. You name it, it gets jotted down on paper in a list. If my daytimer got stolen, you'd have to sedate me. I honestly think I'd post reward flyers for it on telephone poles and light posts.

Addiction #3:
Seashells. I'd go shelling on Sanibel Island before I'd travel to Europe, visit the Grand Canyon, or go on an African safari (three things I've never done before, but in my book are overrated compared to stooping in the sand, hot sun on my back, sifting through sand and shells). I have jars of shells EVERYWHERE in the house.
Addiction #4:
This is really not an addiction, but more of a habit. And it's not a current addiction (habit), but one that I need to infuse into my daily life. And that is to groom my dog. When we added an Old English Sheepdog into our little family of two, we took on the responsibility of the grooming (well, "we" took it on, but "I'm" the one doing it all). I keep up with it, but not to the degree that I should. I take him to the groomers about once every two months for a bath and a brush-out. But all too often the groomer comments on where the mats seem to form. I should really be on top of these, brushing him before mats even form.

Our groomer, Mr. Ron (a big black man whom Gideon adores. All we have to say is "Mr. Ron" and Gideon cocks his head then runs for the door to the garage, thinking we're heading there.), even sold us one of his grooming tables. He said it probably wasn't a business savvy move on his part, but he really wants us to keep up with the grooming for the simple reason that he loves dogs and I'm sure he's seen his share of dogs coming in his door whose mat situation is borderline cruelty. Gideon loves the grooming table. When I bring out the table, he jumps up on it before I can get even gets the legs locked. (But then again, this is the dog who loves going to the vet!)

Anywho, I'm putting this in writing that I, Dawn Gahan, will, I promise, tackle Gideon's grooming on a twice-a-week basis. Here are two pictures I took this morning. What a huge teddy bear . . . and a good addiction.

Addiction #5:
My mouth guard. I HAVE to sleep with it. If I didn't, from all the teeth grinding I do throughout my sleep, my teeth would be the size of the kernels on those little mini corn-on-the-cobs.

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