Sunday, April 5, 2009

La familia: Planning a reunion

I spent much of yesterday putting the finishing touches on a couple of documents I'm sending to family members in preparation for the 33rd annual Rede Reunion.

For the first time, the event is being held outside California and the Southwest. Seemed like a good idea when we volunteered to do it two summers ago. Now, given the distance for most of my relatives and the tattered economy on top of it, I'm crossing my fingers and holding my breath for enough of a turnout to justify the time and expense.

Portland in July is a gorgeous place to be, whether you're a resident or visitor. We've planned a schedule of events around the centerpiece activity -- food, fun and games at Peninsula Park (above) -- and we've also made arrangements with three local hotels and motels for a group-rate discount. Between now and the end of the month, we'll see how things shake out.

It really is amazing that this annual event has happened, without a break, over all these years. It's been held in New Mexico and Arizona, as well as southern and northern California. As my aunts and uncles age, each get-together becomes more precious, especially when we note the passing of a loved one.

My dad and stepmom, Catarino and Oralia, will come for sure, as well as my younger sister, Cathy, who's coming down from Alaska. So far, uncles Paul and Luciano are signed up. I'm hoping that Manuel and his lovely wife, my Aunt Linda, will be able to make it, too.

I'd be the first to admit I haven't keep up family contacts as well as I should have. Distance obviously has something to do with it. So, too, does life itself -- meaning we all grow our lives in different ways, focusing on immediate family members to the exclusion of others who we see infrequently, at best. So, even though the number of attendees is likely to way down from years past, I am looking forward to the reunion with the expectation that we'll have more quality time to share with a smaller group.

And, now, off to make photocopies to stuff some envelopes...

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