Easter came and went quickly this year, with little fanfare but yet a lot of meaning.
Nathan and Sophie, Simone and Kyndall (and their puppy Quimby) all joined us for a delicious roasted turkey dinner that Lori prepared. It was a delicious meal, made all the better by the usual laughter and conversation. But we all paused to raise a glass in memory of Max and, again, to honor Jordan's commitment to the military.
We had hoped for a phone call, considering that we still haven't talked to our soldier-in-training since he left for boot camp on March 19 -- nearly four weeks ago. It wasn't to be. I guess they really do work 'em hard 24/7 while they're in basic training. We miss our boy. Here's hoping he received the big box of treats (candy, Clif Bars, etc.) that we sent and that we hear from him sometime soon, whether by letter or phone call.
We miss our big dog, too. On Saturday, we received his ashes in a stylish urn and promptly placed them in Jordan's room. There they sit, on a table next to his bed, with Max's photo and his green-and-yellow "John Deere" collar.
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