Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Oscar-nominated film worth viewing

It's not every day that someone you know is part of the production crew for an Oscar-nominated film. In this, Sophie Harris, associate producer of "The Final Inch," one of the nominees in the Documentary Short Subject category.

Even though another film took home the Oscar, that's no knock on "The Final Inch," a film directed by Portland's Irene Taylor Brodsky. It tells the story of indigenous volunteers as they work tirelessly in India's worst slums to give out free vaccines in hopes of eradicating polio -- one of the last remaining public health scourges.

Sophie is the girlfriend of our oldest son, Nathan, and we're fortunate to know someone with such charm, intelligence and modesty (see quote below). Lori and I watched the film last night and came away impressed with the overall quality as well as the central message -- that, despite cultural, religious and economic obstacles, amazing progress is being made in the international campaign against polio.

Quoting Sophie:
If anyone has 38 minutes and nothing to do, for the next two days the film I worked on that got nominated is going to be streaming free of charge from the HBO website.
And if you've got HBO, it's showing on there throughout April (showtimes:
No pressure if you don't get a chance to watch it, just thought I'd pass along the word as HBO rarely streams stuff for free.

View a trailer here and check out the "The Final Inch" website for more information.

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