Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I have been taking Kaplan Test Prep, which prepares you for the actual ACT test. Basically Kaplan makes you do the homework and the online class is from 2-5 on Saturdays and Sundays. I thought the ACT would be a little easier by taking the Kaplan Test Prep, but it made the ACT even harder for me. The Science section didn't help my self-confidence in any way. I have been depressed since taking the science section of the ACT and feel sick about the results. Pray that my score is high on the ACT because I have a feeling I didn't do so great.

-Scott Deters
[Mrs. Cross: You probably did better than you think. And, if not, you can still take it again this Spring. We'll look at your scores, figure out where you went wrong, and prepare for those things. This goes for everybody in AP Lang!]

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