Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Youngest Sibling = Spoiled

How many of you have a younger brother or sister that seems to get away with everything? Well this may not be true in every family, but I know that in my family, my little sister gets everything she ever asks for. Just today, my dad bought my sister a $20 hat because it's 'hat day' at the grade school tomorrow. $20?! Come on dad, there has got to be something else you may need that money for *cough* (my Christmas presents) *cough*. Nonetheless, she still got the hat while my dad tried to convince me that she was not spoiled. The girl got a chicken for Easter last year for crying out loud, what more evidence do you need? Despite her tendency to get whatever her heart desires from my parents, I still love my little sister. I just think that the random gifts she gets should be distributed a little more evenly among the rest of the family. She's the baby, though, so I guess I'll have to suck it up and watch her open her thousands of presents this December 25th. *sigh*
-Jackie Wortman

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