Monday, December 27, 2010

Props to Ohio State Fans: Yes, you read that correctly

ED. NOTE:  No drugs or alcohol were consumed prior to the writing of this post (although I did inhale a copious amount of exhaust fumes yesterday while stuck in a shopping mall parking structure traffic jam for so long I thought there was a 50/50 chance I could up as a segment on DATELINE).

Okay, this is going to be a very short post as it pains me to type it, but...

From what I've read on several Buckeye-biased outlets, I've been shocked - and frankly impressed - that a large portion of Buckeye Nation Unincorporated Township feel Terrelle and his tatted teammates should not play in the Sugar Bowl even if the NCAA says it's permissible.  From the Columbus Dispatch, to the Tosu student newspaper The Daily Crayon The Lantern, to the regular Buckeye readers of the MZone, it seems a great many who bleed Scarlet and Gray are voicing the opinion that TP et. al embarrassed themselves and their school, and thus shouldn't play in the Sugar Bowl, even if the loss of several star players could cost Tosu the game.

Sure, some are questioning the severity of the five game suspension.  With so many opinions on these here Interwebs, that's to be expected.  But very few, to my knowledge, are making excuses for the players or minimizing their actions.  Surprisingly, about the only ones doing that seemed to be coach Jim Tressel and OSU AD Gene Smith.

Instead, many of the Ohio State faithful are saying the to-be-suspended players don't deserve to wear the Scarlet and Gray in the bowl game.  This stands in stark contrast to what I've read - or more precisely, haven't read - from Auburn outlets regarding the Cam Newton situation (and by "situation" I mean his father shopping him around for $180K and Cam "not knowing").

Unless I missed it, not only was there no outcry, there was a circle-the-wagons mentality against the accusations and any accusers. support... doing... the... right... thing.

Shit, that was difficult to type.

Okay, now back to our regularly scheduled mission of mocking the Bucks and its fans.

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