Thursday, July 31, 2008

Geez Louise

It's official...Team Astana is now the NY Yankees of cycling.
For no other reason that could possibly make sense to Mongo other than a ton of money, Andreas Kloden has re-signed with the team for 2009.
Contador is McSmarmy's golden goose...Leipheimer is the American advertising connection...Why would Kloden elect to stay with this team when he could be the #1 rider for anyone else?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Mongo, after hammering the hills for an hour this morning, has come to an unwavering conclusion.

I have neither the genetic makeup nor the mental discipline to ever be a great climber...or give up ice cream.

I am doomed to be nothing more than a hit and miss rolleur.

Run To The Hills...Run For Your Life

“Grey and cold and bittersweet
Etched in stone but eventually worn smooth
Separating the memories from the pain
Clarity heals the wounds of consequence”

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's about time . . .

We've been singing the soundtrack here at Chateau Gahan for years now. When I got an email today from Ticketmaster about Wicked coming to the Fox theatre here in Atlanta in October, I jumped at the chance to see the musical that Harleigh and I know by heart. Date day for the Gahan Girls coming up! A nice lunch out and then a matinee performance. Can't wait.

You can tell a lot about a person from their computer desktop

Here is my computer desktop at work. It shows my two favorite boys . . . Gideon and Heath. I had this image on my desktop long before Heath died, and now I don't have the heart to replace it with anything new. It is my all-time favorite picture of him, from a Vanity Fair feature. What do you have on your computer desktop?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Two Tickets To The Gun Show

Mongo was happy to see Gert Steegmans win the final stage of the Tour. In the exclusive, suburban group riding scene, I have often been compared to the man from Belgium.
We're both big guys, ride Specialized bicycles, and date smokin' hot European supermodels...I'm actually only good for two out of three.
Steegmans uses strategy, positioning and power to his advantage. Much like Mongo, he's not a speedster, but given the right opportunity, he can ramp it up and win from the front.

Poncherello And Baker: The Next Generation

"If you guys keep fofonov, we're going to have to pull you over!"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Slipcovers Are Here! My Slipcovers Are Here!

After a very long time, I finally got my new slipcovers. I had given the upholsterers the old slipcovers to use to make the pattern, and then supplied them with the fabric I got on sale. I've been treating everything with Scotchgard this afternoon, and then dog and child can slump and sleep all over chair and ottoman! I'm glad that I went with the off-white neutral fabric vs. a floral, or even a color. I only wish that the fabric had been a little lighter in weight so that the guys could have made a ruffle around the bottom of both the chair and ottoman, but I think in the long run I'll be happy that I went with a heavier fabric just for durability reasons.

I just noticed that the fern on the buffet looks better too!

The Train Is Coming

Mongo has seen the future of contest street skating, and it's not Sheckler or's that little 14 year old dude on the left.
His name is Chaz Ortiz, and he has possible legend written all over him...He's that good!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

They Don't Grow 'Em Like This In France

VDV has an ass-kicking Tour and will finish 5th come Sunday.
Garmin-Chipotle and Columbia (Both American teams) go above and beyond their individual expectations.
American pro cycling has a lot to be proud of this year. Let the clowns over in Europe sort out their doping and politics...we're doin' it the right way here in the good ol' US of A.

Turn That Frown Upside Down

It's hard staying angry when you've just won both of the TT's in the Tour de France. Stefan Schumacher, with the craziest shaped head I've ever seen, served notice to Fabian Cancellara that he's not the only speedster with distorted cranial features.

Sastre: The Movie

The newest trend in Hollywood is cycling movies about Spanish dudes, starring Spanish dudes. Coincidentally, a Spaniard is about to win this year's Tour de France.

Unfortunately for Sastre, he looks about twenty years older than he actually is, so a slimmer, ah you say, Antonio Banderas, wouldn't be totally out of the question.

Fortunately for the rest of us, that won't be necessary. Sastre already has a doppelganger who, with the right script, would be willing to strap on a Cervelo. Respected character actor and already skinny...John Turturro.

Tole Canister

Another piece from my tole collection. This canister with a handle and lid (not shown) has always served as a great vase. Here on my mantle.

See this sweet giveaway (and a lovely blog too!)

Penny at sewtakeahike is doing a giveaway that includes some really wonderful items. A gingham apron with decorative stitching (who doesn't love gingham!?!?!?), a little fabric catch-all that she made by hand (gingham here as well!), a copy of Cook's Country, and a generous-sized piece of adorable fabric. Am loving all of it! Stop by and leave her a comment to be entered but hurry because it ends this Sunday, July 27th, at midnight!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Is That Skeletor?

Sylvain Chavanel wins Stage 19...and is kinda creepy looking.

VDV needs to turn it up to a hoe nuvah leval tomorrow in the TT if he wants to make the podium on Sunday. Cadel has sucked every wheel dry in France, and now I really don't want him to win. I hope Sastre or Kohl have a huge day and spoil his high-pitched plan.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Droppin' The Kids Off At The Pool

“ Can there be blame in the search for forgiveness?
Will there be peace for the only one at war?
Is it ever too late to forget the past?
Who is responsible for the person I become?”

This 'Aint No Giro D'Italia

Just like Mongo after a few too many trips to the pavement, Damiano "Faux-Hawk" Cunego calls it a day and abandons the Tour. The little prince never really was a factor, but he was riding a respectable race none the less.
Team "Air Drop" took their fifth win of the Tour with Marcus Burghardt...I know, me neither!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Carlito's Way

Carlos "I've been hiding in the peleton hoping nobody would notice me" Sastre wins Stage 17 on L'Alpe d'Huez...and takes over the yellow jersey from teammate Frank Schleck.
Kohl, Evans and Schleck are all within striking distance, but realistically only Evans can make up enough ground in the TT.
VDV is still riding well, and a top five finish is not out of the question.

Baring it all . . .

I've posted before about my king-sized bed, which I love, and a slipcovered chair that is equally big and comfy. But the truth of the matter is that my bedroom lacks character and warmth.

The room is huge, and could easily fit a ton of furniture, so perhaps that is where I need to start: populating it with more furniture. I think it desperately needs curtains, but I have no clue where to begin. Only two windows to deal with, so I think I could dress them up rather inexpensively. But on a sour note, the room gets bad light, so it tends toward the dark side.

And the piece de resistance . . . yes, I have a kitchen table in my bedroom. When I turned the kitchen dining area into the ken, I had a little kitchen table and two chairs that I really didn't want to part with. The style wasn't particularly mine, but I liked the size of the table, and I had gotten seat cushions at Anthropologie that I'd hold onto even if I got rid of table. So I moved the table and chairs to my boudoir and it has suffered the same demise as that gotta-have-it treadmill becoming the new clothes rack . . . basically a catch-all for junk that should be put away, but I'm too lazy.

So I'm baring it all. Showing you all a part of my home that lacks any personality, warmth . . . in other words, it is sooooo not me. I'm perplexed and would welcome any ideas (on changing the room, that is, not me).

Here are pictures (above and below) of the room. I didn't go to much effort to enhance the lighting or to stage some attractive vignette. It is what it is.

Whites and Colors

For years I found laundry the most daunting task of my week. I'd save it all to do until Sunday afternoon,beginning with spending a good half hour sorting my huge pile of dirty clothes, then Harleigh's. Then Harleigh had this idea for each of us to get two baskets for our rooms, one for whites and the other for colors. It has been a godsend. Something so simple made my life so much easier. Now even during the week I can grab a basket and do a quick load. These baskets we found at Cost Plus World Market. They have hinged lids so all the laundry is hidden, and the cloth liners inside keep anything from snagging on the basket weave AND they can come out for washing. Thanks, Harleigh!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It All Comes Down To Alped Ooh Ez

Cyril "Six Cylinder" Dessel wins today. VDV crashes and loses minutes on the lead. CSC is primed to deliver F. Schleck and/or Sastre to the podium in Paris. Cadel needs to grow some balls on L'Alpe d'Huez tomorrow . Watch out for Valverde to salvage some pride and try and win the stage.

They Shoot Cyclists Don't They?

Don't f**k with a wounded Bear! (Or some other analogous large, powerful, hairy, creature)

Mongo took his injured knee and smashed face to the S.B.A.D.M.V.V.L. Hammerfest on Monday. I shouldn't have, but my rep in the barrio was on the line. It was 96 degrees with 200% humidity...and all the ballers were there!

"Give no quarter, Take no quarter"...If you show up to ride, you better be ready to go.

The pain I experienced in my knee during the climbs was so severe that I have probably started in motion a lifetime of knee surgeries. On a brighter note, I am happy to report that not only did I keep up and have a respectable day, but I never view of anyone else.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Guess Who's Back...Shady's Back

This is what he used to look like when he was in his formative years of smarmy weaseldom.
Johan Bruyneel would go on to become the John Gotti of cycling. Savvy and smooth with the public and press, but you just knew by looking at him that he was guilty of something.
Mongo witnessed his smarm in person at the Tour of Georgia this year when I saw him coming out of the Astana bus. We made brief eye contact, and in that fleeting moment, I could tell that he knew that I knew..."You can't handle the truth, Bruyneel!"
My point is this...Teflon Johan is going to be a buzzkill to Mongo for for the rest of the TDF. He's joining the Versus network to add his expert analysis. Give me an effin' break. I guess Floyd Landis and Michael Rasmussen were busy this month.

What Are You Doing?

Team Garmin-Chipotle forgoes the traditional rest day routine of room service, velour sweat-pants, and subtitled Euro-porn...and goes riding. Man, these guys are dedicated!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Where's My Bike...And Why Am I Holding This Tree?

Mongo's chances in the TDF fantasy pool have gone from slim to none. Two of my guys in Stijn Devolder and Oscar Pereiro are out of the race, with Pereiro dropping twelve feet down an embankment and breaking his shoulder in the process.
Mongo is still recovering from his own crash last Thursday, but if the swelling in my knee goes down tomorrow, I'll make a heroic and miraculous return to the S.B.A.D.M.V.V.L. Hammerfest only four days after the fact. Whether or not I can complete the circuit is another story, but my street cred will go through the roof!

Can't Get Enough

We went out and bought the soundtrack, we went out to brunch and talked about the scenes we liked best, we've been singing all the songs around the house and even in public places with little care about who looks at us funny. We're pretty much obsessed with Mamma Mia. Here is one of my favorite scenes. As a single mom with an only daughter, you can guess that I was having trouble keeping it together during this number. This isn't the whole song, just a small part, so as I sat in the theater I agonized keeping in the chocking sobs for much longer than this 41 second clip. I was a sucker for all the slow, sappy songs, and Harleigh loved the more upbeat Abba dance numbers. There's something in it for everybody. OK, enough for now.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mamma Mia, bring your Kleenex

Harleigh and I have been waiting and waiting for this movie to come out. We saw it tonite and I didn't want it to end. Harleigh said the whole movie made her want to cry because the music made her so happy. We have the soundtrack from the Broadway musical, and the music from the movie version is even better. I was a teary-eyed baby just reveling in the joy of watching the friendship between these women and of course the relationship between the mother and daughter. If I wasn't in lip quiver mode, then I was smiling and singing. Everyone in the theater (not an empty seat!) was singing and clapping at the end. And you just have to think what fun they had making this movie. Ahhhhh . . . we might just go back tomorrow and see it again.

The scenery is breathtaking and the hotel she runs will make your white-washed, vintage, beachy self wide-eyed just taking it all in. Worth seeing on a big screen, although we will be buying it as soon as it comes out on DVD.

I Jam Noomber Juan

Solid green is never a good look...for anything! Couldn't Rabobank have tossed in a few more shekels for something a bit classier for points leader Oscar Freire? He finally wins a stage and he looks like the Li'l Green Sprout.
Notice who's under his right arm? It's mister same time but not a winner...Gramps Zabel.

200th Post Giveaway

Here I am at my 200th post and I couldn't be happier about all that the blog world has brought to my life . . . inspiration, friends, information and anecdotes, stories that made me laugh out loud and words that brought tears to my eyes, and enviable photography, tons of it (I have decided that I WILL get a good camera and learn enough that I can create such beautiful images). I have loved getting to know such genuine and funny women, and I thank each and every one of you for making me feel special. Thank you thank you thank you.

I knew for this giveaway that I wanted to make a shell cross. And so that is part of the "prize." This one is a little smaller than the others that I make and it was a bit more of a challenge to work with less real estate. But I love how it turned out, and I hope that whoever wins will feel all the love that I put into crafting it.

I've also included one of my decorated matchboxes, this one with a mushroom bird and silk florals.

I couldn't resist throwing in this 1940 badminton trophy. And so as not to leave it naked looking, I threw in some vintage hankies.

And for their sheer charm, I'm also including these two travel diaries. Harleigh was on a kick a few years ago, scavenging flea markets and antique stores for old diaries and journals, scrawled with once-secret thoughts and dreams. These two notebooks, one from 1947 and the other from 1959, appear to be the travel journals of a married couple during two roadtrips. There's not much to them in terms of stories. They are more a diary of their completed itineraries. But that "Mrs." penned them with such care . . . it makes them rather endearing.

So, if you'd like to be in the drawing for this rather eclectic grouping of items, please leave me a comment. One lucky person will be drawn out of a hat on August 2. So post your comment by August 1 at midnight.

Get others in on the giveaway. Post the first photo (that includes all my giveaway items) — along with a link to my blog — onto your blog with a note about this giveaway and let me know you did so. I will put your name in the hat 2 additional times for a total of 3 chances to win!

Good luck!

Chrissie And The Shark Sittin' In A Tree...

I never liked Greg Norman. Back in the 80's and 90's, when he was Tiger Woods before Tiger was Tiger Woods, he acted like a dick. Sure he had talent, but he wasn't very endearing, and nobody really felt bad for him when he had all those Majors yanked out from under him...It's funny how time changes things.
Norman will start the final round tomorrow as the leader of the British age 53! In what has been a brutal test of weather and nerves, he has played superbly. There's no reason for his great play. He doesn't compete much at all, and his last professional win came over ten years ago. Maybe he's just trying to impress his new chick.
Oh yeah, he married "America's sweetheart", Chris Evert, a little over three weeks ago. Mongo was a big fan of Chrissie back in the day. Her epic matches with manwoman, Martina Navratilova, were always entertaining and she was, and is to this day, pretty hot.
I hope Norman wins tomorrow. He's a multi-gazillionaire who's probably still a dick, but it would be such a great story. He would be the oldest Major champion of all time and it would redeem his historic choke in the '96 Masters... and he's married to Chrissie.

Friday, July 18, 2008

He's Too Fast For A White Boy

Using a new gel product made from 90% synthesized yeyo, Mark Cavendish wins his fourth stage of the Tour for Team "Escobar".

Highway 40 Revisited

“ Stapled between what’s right and what’s wrong
Lost in the scattered papers of importance
Slipping to the bottom of a self-perpetuating pile
Laying prone looking skyward compressed by the words”

Off The Front End Of The Main Field

Yesterday, Mongo had one of the most f***ed up days in my long and glorious solo-ride career...I'm not kidding!

After a nice seven mile warmup over rolling terrain, a bee flew in my helmet and stung me on the head. I pulled over, removed the bee, and then realized that it hurt like shit! Sucking up the pain of cigarette butts being extinguished on my scalp, I rode on.

Stopping for a B&J ice cream bar along the way not only soothed the sting, but I also crossed paths with my opponent for the afternoon. Litespeed/Reynolds carbon aero wheels/Yellow jersey/Douchey and smug. He took off while I was enjoying the ice cream, and got about two minutes on me.

Normally, I'd go into great detail about how I chased him down, battled, and eventually pulled away...not today. Even though all of that did happen, that's not the good part of the story.

Here it is...On the way back home, I got stung twice on the leg at the same time by more bees, lost control of the bike, went off the road, flipped head first over the handlebars, smashed my face into the ground, and for good measure, punctured my left knee on a sharp rock...How was your day?

I look like I was on the losing end of a fight, but it could have been really bad...I'll be back!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out

Ricardo Ricco wanted to be just like his idol, Marco Pantani...He got what he wanted by being busted for CERA (a new form of EPO) after his Super Besse stage win.
It really pisses me off that these riders and their handlers are so f***ing stupid, and arrogant, to think that they can get away with it. W.T.F!
We as cyclists, Mongo included, want to believe in heroic performances when we watch our professional counterparts. To a certain extent, we understand the sacrifices and training necessary to perform at a high level, and we are amazed when their abilities far outshine our own.
I'm afraid my rose-colored Oakley's are officially off for good. As a wise man once said..."If it looks like a Duck and acts like a Duck, it's a Doper!"

A Giveaway! 200 Posts and Loving It!

This post is my 199th and so on my next posting, the big 200, I will be doing a giveaway! My very first. I certainly love it when my favorite bloggers do them, and so I hope that my readers are excited and want to participate. Look for the giveaway post within the next few days!

With gratefulness for all of you,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

On The Board

I'm sure he probably has some hot sisters, but today an unlikely Norwegian gets CSC-SAXO their first stage win of the Tour.
Kurt-Asle Arvesen wins Stage 11 in a photo finish.
VDV/Scrappy Doo is hanging tough in third on GC.

Naughty and Nice Salad

I first tried this salad at an office function and loved it. The gal who gave me the recipe called it simply "Broccoli Salad." Well, nothing at Chateau Gahan gets a label or name without a flourish. So I renamed it the Naughty and Nice Salad because it has broccoli and raisins in it (good for you) and bacon, mayo and sugar (bad for you). It is great tasting and easy to make.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One Small Step For Aluminum...One Giant Leap For Fat Guys

Oh yeah!!! Mongo had one of his best rides in a long time this past Monday on the S.B.A.D.M.V.V.L. Hammerfest.

At least ten of the biggest names in suburban group riding were there...and Mongo took all of them to the Hizzy.

It doesn't matter that I was near the back on all the climbs. It doesn't matter that I'm the heaviest rider in the group. It doesn't matter that I ride an aluminum bike and everyone else rides carbon fiber.

What matters is this...Mongo used his savvy veteran skills to launch a successful sprint from the front of the peleton. First is first, baby...I've got a week to gloat!

Home Tour Find

I love going on home tours. The home tour events featuring new homes are nice, but the ones I really like are the ones where you walk through homes actually lived in. We have great ones in our area, especially around Christmas. I've gotten all sorts of great ideas. I saw these two pictures on a new home tour recently and the designer of the home just happened to be on site. I asked her where she got them and then took a detour on my way home to the little shop where she had found them and got two of my own. They hang in my foyer. I've always loved silhouettes of people, especially children, so how could I resist this cat and dog.

This is why I keep pretty "vessels" around the house . . .

I love using pretty things around the house as vases. This teapot was a gift from a friend. It's a yardsale find, and even though I don't use a teapot for making hot tea, I knew that I could put it to use. I love the gray and pink together (much like the plates I found a couple of posts ago!).

This arrangement was a quick put-together for when my parents came to dinner this past Saturday.

Monday, July 14, 2008

You Ladies Want To Check Out My Bus?

In the spirit of Andy Hampsten, Greg LeMond, and Davis Phinney, Christian Vandevelde is bringing "Scrappy" back to American pro cycling.
Vandevelde hung comfortably with the top GC contenders all day, and his final push up Hautacam may well be the reason Cadel Evans is in Yellow by only one second over Frank Schleck.
Vandevelde is still in third on GC, but has picked up he's only thirty eight seconds behind Evans. I don't know if VDV can hold on to a podium position all the way to Paris...but I wouldn't bet against him.
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Arc Of A Diver

“Retracing the source of hopeful ambition
Dispatched to learn through the eyes of strangers
Accepting the weight of mature observation
Valued by the results of anonymous achievement”

I Don't Need No Stinkin' Tour

If he had done better in the Egg Toss and the Three-legged Race, Chris Horner might have made the podium at the Cascade Cycling Classic.

Ricco Suave

Ricardo "The latin-lover cobra" Ricco ate 'em raw like sushi and won Stage 9 going away. He's a GC star on the rise who reminds me of Michael Rasmussen. Hopefully, unlike Rasmussen, he's not on the cheba.

My First Award!

Kate at My Messy Nest . . . A Diary of Domestic Bliss and Cammy at FreckledFarm have bestowed on little ol' me a blogging award. It is the Brillante Weblog Award and I am honored that they think my blog is worthy of being recognized. Thank you both Kate and Cammy! See below for how this award gets passed on to others. And I, indeed, have others who deserve to be recognized for all the pleasure their blogs bring me!

Here are the rules:

1. Please put the logo on your blog. (CHECK)
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. (CHECK)
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award. (7CHECK)
4. Add links to the recipients. (CHECK)
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award. (CHECK)

And the Brillante goes to . . .

1) Ali at FlibbertyGibbets because her style is about as classy and calming as you could ask for. From her home to her sewing to her crafts to her photography. And she's got a great sense of humor and is a GREAT conversationalist.

2) Darly at Daisy's Little Cottage is one of those gals who I know I would get along with if we met. Her home is cottage at its most charming. She is honest and forthright with her posts, which makes her that much more endearing. Her blog photos, beautifully taken, capture her life and lifestyle with all its color, character, and love of living.

3) Elizabeth at Gossamer Wings has a blog rich in food, family and amazing sewing projects. She's lucky enough (well, except for the earthquakes, which she is the first to admit are a downer) to live in northern California, so I always enjoy her pictures of the local places she visits and frequents.

4) Laura at knitters=angry mob is a co-worker and I love her dearly. She's one of those people who is always willing to help out, no matter how chimp-like or how daunting the task. Her blog is every bit as welcoming and colorful as she is. She loves so many different things; her blog, to me, has a little something for everyone.

5) Courtney, another co-worker, is my cubicle neighbor, loves to sing and dance (which we manage to do a little of every day just to stay sane), and is uber-talented at drawing. Her blog, A Year of Drawing, is chock-full (and growing) of her daily doodles in pen-n-ink and watercolor. Simply wonderful to watch her do this with such ease. I love that she's sharing her sketchbook with the blog world.

6) Another co-worker (can you tell we're a group totally hooked on this blog craze??), Devon of Slight Obsessions is a wonderfully captivating writer. Please give her a visit and encourage her to keep going with this online endeavor. She's too good at her craft to not share her musings.

7) And last but not least is Lisa at Knitty, Vintage and Rosy. Her blog is pure vintage prettiness and inspiration. She loves so much of what I love. Not to mention that I adore her choice of featured music. I consider her a friend. Her blog goes back to 2004, so there's much to peruse; I think you'll come to like her as much as I do!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Certain Look In The Eye And An Easy Smile

After riding 40 miles, including four 20%+ climbs thrown in for good measure, Mongo stopped by the bike shop and chatted with his buddy Boonen.
He had to gloat about another Cavendish win and his early domination of the cycling pool, but his boy Hushovd fell out of the Green Jersey, and with the mountains coming up, he 'aint gettin' it back. Freire has it for now, but I think Kirchen can reclaim it this week.
Let's talk about the VERSUS commentators...Not Phil, Bob, and Paul...But Frankie Andreu and Robbie Ventura.
To use an NFL analogy, these guys are the sideline reporters of VS's TDF broadcast team. Talent and ability at their vocation aside, here's what I don't understand...
Ventura was the "Personal" coach of Floyd Landis during his 2006 disgraced run at the TDF. Ventura also built a successful coaching business greatly due to the early success of Landis. And oh, did I mention, Ventura was also a professional bike racer on the US Postal Team with, you guessed it, Mellow Johnny himself. This guy's hands are dirty.
Frankie Andreu was a respected American cyclist riding in Europe during the 80's and 90's, and an outspoken anti-doping advocate. Cutting to the chase...He swears that he knows for a fact that MJ doped. He has nothing to gain by lying, and has suffered no legal repercussions.
How the F**k can VS have these two guys working together?!