Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out

Ricardo Ricco wanted to be just like his idol, Marco Pantani...He got what he wanted by being busted for CERA (a new form of EPO) after his Super Besse stage win.
It really pisses me off that these riders and their handlers are so f***ing stupid, and arrogant, to think that they can get away with it. W.T.F!
We as cyclists, Mongo included, want to believe in heroic performances when we watch our professional counterparts. To a certain extent, we understand the sacrifices and training necessary to perform at a high level, and we are amazed when their abilities far outshine our own.
I'm afraid my rose-colored Oakley's are officially off for good. As a wise man once said..."If it looks like a Duck and acts like a Duck, it's a Doper!"

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