Sunday, July 13, 2008

My First Award!

Kate at My Messy Nest . . . A Diary of Domestic Bliss and Cammy at FreckledFarm have bestowed on little ol' me a blogging award. It is the Brillante Weblog Award and I am honored that they think my blog is worthy of being recognized. Thank you both Kate and Cammy! See below for how this award gets passed on to others. And I, indeed, have others who deserve to be recognized for all the pleasure their blogs bring me!

Here are the rules:

1. Please put the logo on your blog. (CHECK)
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. (CHECK)
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award. (7CHECK)
4. Add links to the recipients. (CHECK)
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award. (CHECK)

And the Brillante goes to . . .

1) Ali at FlibbertyGibbets because her style is about as classy and calming as you could ask for. From her home to her sewing to her crafts to her photography. And she's got a great sense of humor and is a GREAT conversationalist.

2) Darly at Daisy's Little Cottage is one of those gals who I know I would get along with if we met. Her home is cottage at its most charming. She is honest and forthright with her posts, which makes her that much more endearing. Her blog photos, beautifully taken, capture her life and lifestyle with all its color, character, and love of living.

3) Elizabeth at Gossamer Wings has a blog rich in food, family and amazing sewing projects. She's lucky enough (well, except for the earthquakes, which she is the first to admit are a downer) to live in northern California, so I always enjoy her pictures of the local places she visits and frequents.

4) Laura at knitters=angry mob is a co-worker and I love her dearly. She's one of those people who is always willing to help out, no matter how chimp-like or how daunting the task. Her blog is every bit as welcoming and colorful as she is. She loves so many different things; her blog, to me, has a little something for everyone.

5) Courtney, another co-worker, is my cubicle neighbor, loves to sing and dance (which we manage to do a little of every day just to stay sane), and is uber-talented at drawing. Her blog, A Year of Drawing, is chock-full (and growing) of her daily doodles in pen-n-ink and watercolor. Simply wonderful to watch her do this with such ease. I love that she's sharing her sketchbook with the blog world.

6) Another co-worker (can you tell we're a group totally hooked on this blog craze??), Devon of Slight Obsessions is a wonderfully captivating writer. Please give her a visit and encourage her to keep going with this online endeavor. She's too good at her craft to not share her musings.

7) And last but not least is Lisa at Knitty, Vintage and Rosy. Her blog is pure vintage prettiness and inspiration. She loves so much of what I love. Not to mention that I adore her choice of featured music. I consider her a friend. Her blog goes back to 2004, so there's much to peruse; I think you'll come to like her as much as I do!

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