Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catching Up!

What a horrendous week it was. Five 10-11 hour days in a row, and there were people at the office past when I went home! I have an assistant starting August 11 and that will certainly help. She is the sister of one of my previous assistants, Tim (who, by the way, has just started a blog of his photography — stop by and leave a comment if you get a chance — and has gone on to do quite remarkable things in his career, making his mark at Burton Snowboards and now at VSA working on Nike and IBM). He's a dear friend and I'm ecstatic to now have a chance to work with his sister, who is equally as genuine and kind.

With my schedule and Harleigh's commitments (and now with a car to get her where she needs to go!!!!), our poor little Gideon has had his share of home-alone time. Harleigh bought him this water bowl and what a great buy it's been. With this Georgia heat, it assures that Gideon has enough water to get him through the day. Granted he has the run of an air-conditioned house, but it can still get a little warm as the AC fights to keep up with 90+ degree heat outside. I love that it matches the color of our walls! We fill it up every morning, adding lots of ice cubes.
I was standing in my kitchen last night looking at this kitchen cabinet and the fact that I have had these beaded necklaces and bracelets hanging from the cabinet knob since we moved in back in 1999. Harleigh made them all when she was in elementary school, with the exception of the Welcome Home sign (have no idea where that came from). I guess I just figured that this is as good a place as any to hang them . . . and I have no intention of taking them down. Now that our paths cross so infrequently, as she gets older and more independent, I like having things like these around the house to remind me of her.
Gotta get back to cleaning the house. Having my parents over for dinner tonite! Will try to post a ton this weekend to make up for such a dud posting week. Have a craft project just completed that I'll share.

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