Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas 2010

Thanks to my plan-ahead wife, the Christmas cards are addressed and ready to be mailed; the gifts already bought or made; and now the Christmas tree is up, with lights, and next to the living room window.

If she were Santa, I think she'd be hitching up the reindeer and taking the sleigh out this week. :)

I had to work today (in trade for someone taking one of earlier weekend shifts), so we had to get a lot done this morning. Walked down to Broadway and had a delicious breakfast, as usual, at Milo's City Cafe. Then we walked a little farther -- out to Northeast 20th -- and purchased a tree from the lot of a Thai restaurant that hadn't even opened for the day.

This being Portland, I hoisted the unbound tree -- a six-foot Noble fir -- onto my shoulders and we simply walked it back to our house, navigating the sidewalks and neighborhood streets about a dozen blocks to our home. We carried it upstairs, Lori hung the lights and returned to the restaurant later in the day with a check for the tree. But not before turning the radio to a station with Christmas music. Already, I'm hearing Nat King Cole and Perry Como sing the old standards...

Looking forward to a great holiday season. Simone and Kyndall will arrive from Pittsburgh a week from tomorrow and will be in Portland for nearly a month on semester break. They'll make time to visit Kyndall's parents in Moses Lake, Wash., and her grandparents in Enterprise, Ore., so I don't know exactly where they'll be on Christmas Day. Main thing is they'll be in Portland for most of their time. (We'll wait until they're here to put ornaments on the tree.)

Likewise, I expect we'll see Jordan and Jamie at some point, depending on his time off from the Army. And I'm certain we'll get a visit from Nathan and Sara, since they're the only ones who live in Portland.

Both Jordan and I have birthdays the week after Christmas so it's always a hectic time.

After the wintry weather we had just before Thanksgiving, who knows what Mother Nature has in store for Christmas? No matter what, we're prepared -- thanks to Lori.

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