Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Coach Kill Theme Music

While we don't know if he can turn the Golden Gopher program around, we do agree with others that Minnesota's new head coach has the most kick-ass name in the history of football coaches - Jerry Kill.

A head football coach named Coach Kill?!  I mean, you can't make that shit up.

Seriously, tell me that doesn't sound like the name of The Rock's character in some explosi-thon  Jerry Bruckheimer movie coming soon to a theater near you.  Put it this way, I guarantee a coach named Kill ain't gonna be playing no Josh Groban at his team banquet. 

In any event, we here at the MZone wanted to take a moment to welcome Coach Kill to the league by offering up some suggestions for his own theme music.  A man with a name like that deserves a theme song.  Scratch that - two theme songs.

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