Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some Michigan fans claim Carr responsible for latest WikiLeaks disclosures

(from MZone wire reports) Ann Arbor, MI - As governments around the world continue to reel over the release of thousands of pages of highly sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables, a surprising culprit is now alleged to be ultimately responsible for the unauthorized disclosures: former Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr.

Lleak Carr?
The allegation came as a shock to most in the diplomatic community as news sources point to Army Pfc. Bradley Manning as the person who secretly copied then gave some 250,000 cables to WikiLeaks.  But posters on several Michigan message boards say the blame clearly rests with Carr.

"His offense was predictable, he left the cupboards bare, he should have won every game and he failed to parachute off the Bell Tower holding a banner saying he supported Rich Rod.  He's obviously not 'all in for Michigan' so he's probably not all in for the United States either!" said poster GoBlueBill48256.  "It just makes sense."

MasonBlue422 agreed.  "Have you heard Carr ever once come out in support of keeping diplomatic cables secret?  No.  You haven't.  Not once!  Uh, hello?  Do I have to draw a fucking map for you!?"

When the MZone said that such a map might be helpful and asked for proof about these unsubstantiated allegations, both posters appealed to the mods at their respective boards, had us banned and thus we were unable to continue the interview.

The WikiLeaks allegations mark only the latest ill apparently caused by Carr.  Since his retirement, some members of the Michigan fan base have blamed him for global warming, the tragedy in Haiti, Justin Bieber, and all that has ever gone wrong with Michigan athletics.

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