Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shetland Pony

I have to hand it to the Li'l Bronze Medalist, he's changed my mind. Mongo has always respected his game, but I was unwilling to put him up there in the American Cycling "Scrappy" Hall of Fame...until now.
Leipheimer wins the final TT and cuts 21 seconds off El Pistolero's lead. Without team politics, I am convinced that LBM would have won the Vuelta. He sacrificed himself on a couple of mountain stages for Contador when he was probably the stronger rider of the two.
Instead of sabotaging the team plan of riding for the Bandito, and also what I'm sure is a huge paycheck from Astana, Levi did the next best thing and won both TT's...and will finish in second place only 46 seconds behind Contador and over three minutes ahead of Sastre in third.

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