Monday, March 14, 2011

Fab Five Movie Review: Two Banners Down

This is going to be brief. 

As entertainment and strictly as a documentary, I thought the FAB FIVE movie on ESPN last night was really good.

As a Michigan fan, I'll say what I've always said about the Fab Five: their "legacy" is one of destroying the program.  Period.  The reason simply making the tournament this year is such a big deal for our once proud program is a direct result of the carnage left behind by the Fab Five, who never won anything during their days at Michigan.

Furthermore, watching these guys a) show no remorse for what happened to the program as a result of their "legacy" - and even "blaming" Michigan to some extent and b) hearing them continually talk about about the money they weren't making as college athletes, was appalling and tells me not much has changed.

Put it this way, if you change the colors on the jerseys in that doc to Green and White or Scarlet and Gray, Michigan message boards - and probably this blog - would be filled with M fans today ripping them.

Their legacy is still being felt today - and not in a good way

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