Sunday, October 4, 2009

I love this!

A few weeks ago at a craft fair I stopped by a fun booth where the woman makes those towels you hang on your fridge door or oven door handle. You know the ones, with a crocheted top and a button. I bought a few, mainly for Harleigh. I finally threw the one out that we had (it was worn to cheesecloth) and she had a fit. It's one of those things around the house that speaks "home" to her.

Well, the lady making the towels also makes these holders for plastic grocery bags. I've always thrown the plastic bags into the cupboard above my stove. I bought this holder on a whim, and I LOVE it!!! It keeps the bags corralled into a contained space, they're easy to pull out, and the holder hangs in my pantry, taking up no space at all.

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