Thursday, January 7, 2010

In My Own Little Corner, In My Own Little Chair

Yesterday here in the ATL it was soooooo cold. When I came home I had a gazillion things to do, but it's tough to do laundry or work on craft projects while wrapped in a blanket. So I got a batch of blueberry muffins made and then cozied up in my chair with the new Rachel Ashwell book. Got it for Christmas and I've looked at it, from cover to cover, at least three times. That, and Thrifty Chic (by Liz Bauwens and Alexandra Campbell) — a Christmas gift to myself! — have kept me off task more times than I care to admit!

And reading any book always takes me longer than it should simply because Gideon insists on playing drop, toss and fetch. How can I not resist this face????

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