Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spaghetti or Pizzaroni

Top o' the mornin' bloggers! (Irish accent)

I'm having writer's block on topics, but I think the spaghetti or pizzaroni issue is an issue that needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed now!

First off your not fooling anyone! Just because it says spaghetti or pizzaroni one Thursday and then two Thursdays later it says pizzaroni or spaghetti does NOT mean that it's a different meal. Don't get me wrong. The first 10 and a half years that I ate pizzaroni or spaghetti I loved it. It was fantastic. But this past year and a half has been a real struggle for me. It really is delicious and filling like once a month OR SO. But this every other Thursday rotation has gotten me down.

Now you're probably saying to yourself, "Well Myles, why don't you just go on down there and order yourself a nice 'zza or some James Johns?" (The person saying this doesn't believe in nicknames plus Jimmy isn't even shorter than James) But I say to you, "Nay!" And there are two reasons for this. 1) I don't have money. 2)I'm too lazy to march on down to the office and write my name on a piece of paper.

Now you're probably saying, "But Myles, why don't you just take what you get gratefully since you're lazy and good-for-nothing." And to this I say, "Watch the insults. And I do. Very gratefully. I just like to rant and rave about stuff."

So keep on doin' what your doin' cooks, because its delicious. Just don't insult us with the pizzaroni/spaghetti /pizzaroni thing. Most of us can catch it.

P.S. I love hot dog bun garlic bread and I always will.

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