Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Bellettes is St. Anthony's Dance Team. The team consists of Braley, Kara, Makenzie, Avery, Lauryn, Christa, Michaela, me, and Miranda. We dance at all the home games plus compete at the end of January till the middle of March. We compete at Clinton, Tuscola, Benton, and sometimes Highland. If we get qualified scores at any of these competitions, we go to State.

We have competed at Clinton and Tuscola. At Clinton, we got 1st in lyrical and 3rd in jazz. We were proud of these scores, especially in jazz, because we finished the routine two days before. At competitions, you can get a medal called a rising star. Rising stars, for people who do not know, is a medal which you get if the judge on the floor notices you giving your 110% while performing. At Clinton, Lauryn Ragland got a rising star. At Tuscola, we got 3rd in lyrical and 2nd in jazz. At Tuscola, the rising stars went to Makenzie and me. We were both surprised and astonished we got them. Rising Stars are hard to get and very exciting when you get them.

The next competitions are Benton on February 19th and State on March 12th at the Assembly Hall in Champaign, IL. The next games are this Friday and February 18th, which is senior night. Bellettes would love for you to come out and watch our routines.

Come out and watch your Bellettes!

-Brianna Siemer

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