Saturday, February 5, 2011

That's our girl

Today our wonderful daughter turned 28. She's 2,200 miles away in Pittsburgh, so I can't give her a hug or share a birthday cake. But I can seize the occasion to note her latest academic honor and to join her in wishing the Stillers well.

(For those of you who aren't Yinzers, that would be the Steelers, who tomorrow will try to become the first NFL team to win seven Super Bowl championships.)

Yesterday, Carnegie Mellon University held its annual Network Pittsburgh event, where 300 employers, alumni and students interested in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area could come together for an opportunity to network. A highlight of the program was presentation of the prestigious Stephen M. Lauble Community Fellowship Award, given each year to one to three students in the Heinz College of  Public Policy & Management.

This year's sole recipient: Simone Daniela Rede.

The fellowship is given in the name of a Heinz alumnus and meant to encourage students in that graduate school to choose careers that contribute to the neighborhoods, economy and environment of Pittsburgh. Along with a nice stipend, the fellowship comes with the opportunity to do a summer internship with a government agency or nonprofit in Pittsburgh. The fellow's work can focus on urban renewal, historic preservation or some other area.

Best of all, it allows Simone and Kyndall to stay in their rented home in Pittsburgh for the summer rather than go through the cost and hassle of temporarily uprooting for an internship somewhere else. In accepting this fellowship, Simone had to withdraw from consideration from a different fellowship program that potentially could have placed her anywhere from Los Angeles to Chicago to Houston to New York or Washington, D.C.

I know Simone submitted a strong application essay and dazzling resume, but she left nothing to chance. When she met with the selection panel for an interview, she made sure to wear Black and Gold -- the Stillers' colors.

Wish we could have been there yesterday to see her receive the award. If and when Carnegie Mellon updates its Web site with her name, I'll add it to this post.

One more thing: Go Steelers!

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