Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Detroit Zoo Zeb sees shadow: 6 more months of U-M infighting

Yesterday, famed groundhog Punxutawney Phil didn't see his shadow which, according to lore, means spring is near.

But there was no such luck in Michigan.

The wolverine Detroit Zoo Zeb came out of his quarters and saw his shadow.  Sadly, it means there will be six more months of infighting between the various Michigan fan factions that developed during Rich Rodriguez's tenure.

"Hater!"  "Kool Aid drinker!"

Yes, unfortunately we're in for still more bitching about the Brady Hoke hire (even though he pulled off a near miracle with the recruiting class he put together in just 3 weeks).

And you're gonna have to keep hearing about how, if Rich Rod would have been given a chance to return for a 4th season, not only would U-M have gone undefeated and won the national title, but the worst defense in the history of Michigan football would have magically transformed into an impenetrable, stuffed-animal-free force...and the special teams would have suddenly produced kickers nailing 50 yarders with ease.  If...only... "they'd"... given... him...a... chance.

But such infighting should only last for six more months.  Then the hope and optimism of the approaching 2012 season will take over.

At least until the first game is played.

(Picture HT: Michigan Exposures)

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