Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feelin' the love at Chateau Gahan

Yesterday I picked up Mr. Gideon from the groomer, where he has a standing appointment once every two weeks. (You don't think these good looks come without some effort and expense, do ya?) I'm rather fond of this boutique of bow wow coiffures. First of all, I adore everyone who works there. Dropping Mr. G off and picking him up — if there isn't another customer waiting — usually means a good chat with owner Mr. Ron, manager Kennetha, and the staff who work tirelessly to make our babies look and smell good. Giddy is one of the big boys in the client lineup; most tend to be of the smaller, more frou-frou breeds. When I say "Mr. Ron," Gideon instantly cocks his head and makes a beeline for the car. There's no mistaken . . . he loves a trip to the beauty parlor as much as most girls do.

After paying on Saturday, Kathleen handed me a red long-stem rose, a Valentine's gift for all the customers. Who knew that the most romantic thing to happen to me this Valentine's would be a rose from Pet Boutique? Love comes in all kinds of ways and sometimes from whom we least expect!
Here is handsome Gideon, pooped from the primping, and sporting a Valentine red-and-white bandana.
Here is a little ceramic shoe with cherub I found at Goodwill, perfect for this love-ly holiday.

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