Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The emails might not be the most damning part: OSU's letter to the NCAA

Below is the letter detailing the "self-report violation" that OSU sent to the NCAA regarding Tresselgate-slash-Tatgate-slash-They'reFuckedAnd2GamesAin'tGonnaCutIt.

While much attention has focused on the emails between Tressel and a no-longer-anonymous Columbus attorney, think the document below (and the questions raised reading it) may hint that Tosu's and Tressel's aren't over.

Let me just say I will be shocked if the NCAA rubber stamps Tosu's self-imposed wrist slap penalties of a 2 game suspension and $250,000 fine for The Vest.

UPDATE: MZone reader and admitted Buckeye, Dennis, put up a comment that deserved main page status:

Maybe Tressel didn't know who to confide in since they can't even figure out where to sign their names on the letter. sigh

UPDATE II: Matt Hayes at The Sporting News agrees: the letter could be the dagger. (HT: MGoBlog)

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