Friday, May 2, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: ASU Cuts Cheerleading Squad

First one of them gets into porn, then they get really "Dirty."

Arizona State has cut the school's cheerleading squad after six members of the now-axed squad posed in their bras and panties on website "The Dirty." As the FOXNews story above states, while only six ASU cheerleaders are shown in the pics, the entire 16-member squad will suffer the consequences.

Seriously, ASU. Are you really going to pull the ol' first grade teacher, "If you don't tell me who did it, you all have to stay inside for recess" stuff?

So I guess this means if six ASU football players get busted for something this fall, you drop the whole program, right?

I suppose ASU officials are a little paranoid over the past, uh, "X"-ploits of some of their cheerleaders and don't want to see this again...

...Although many of our readers sure do.

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