Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Honey-Do's (and I'm the Honey around this house)

Here are three things I want to post so that I am held accountable for dealing with them.

The first, embarrassingly so, is the absence of curtains at the windows in my kitchen den (ken). I have had these temporary Home Depot paper thingies up since way before Christmas. Prior to that I had sheer Priscillas (I call them I Love Lucy curtains) at the window. I had them crossing over in the center and they really were charming. But I want something cleaner. I have no idea what I want to do. Privacy isn't really an issue; my neighbors next door are rarely out, and the only thing I do in the ken is watch TV or read, and never naked I might add. (The lamp on the dresser is the one that used to be on my bedroom nightstand.)
The second is giving my potting table a good cleaning and organizing. My parents bought it for me from Target when I first moved in the house and it is a godsend. It stores things — not just of the garden variety — that I put my hands on frequently. I made a curtain out of some vintage fabric and jury-rigged a "rod" by putting two round eye hooks on the front of the table, one at each end. and strung a wire from one to the other with a nail in the middle to keep the wire from drooping. When Harleigh was about 6 she made me the hanger above the table, a piece of wood with nails in it. It says "Have a Good Day."
And the third is this old chandelier. When the ken used to be a dining area, this chandelier hung above the table. It used to be brass but I painted it ivory, covered the shades in a pink floral calico fabric and made a chain cover from some white canvas I had. It did look pretty, especially decorated at Christmastime. But when the room became our ken, the chandelier hung too low and rather than shorten the chain, I just had my electrician take the whole thing down. It has been in my garage in the Yard Sale pile for sometime now. But since I've decided not to do a yard sale ever again, as long as I live, as you are my witness, I think I can make it into something. I'd throw it away, but I just know that I'll regret it.

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